Kettlebell Training For Fast Fat Loss

Are long-held myths making your slimming goals ever-elusive? Then, it’s about time you challenged your kettlebell training by eliminating misconceptions, embrace a new style of thinking and saw, for yourself, the positive changes this new perspective ushers in.

Rules-the old vs. the new

Focus on quantity vs. focus on quality

As a part of the over-weight population, many-a-days you may have found yourself dieting or trimming your portion sizes down, only to realise that they’re of no avail.  Why?

That’s because it’s not so much the quantity of calories you consume but their quality that matters when it comes to losing your excessive body weight.  Hence, it’s high time you changed your focus from food quantity to nutritive quality by including, in your meal, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts on a regular basis.  You should also calculate your daily calorie intake to lose weight.

Fats, a strict no-no vs. Healthy fats, a must-have

Not all fats are bad for your thin-down efforts as has been commonly perceived by many for so long. In fact, there are good fats that help you stay healthy as long as you keep their consumption down to moderate levels.

For example, the omega-3 fats found in nuts and fish (like sardine and salmon) strengthen your nervous system, keep your metabolism in good shape and promote fat-loss.

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Further, when you include a small quantity of saturated fat in your meal, you not only displace some of the carbohydrates you would otherwise consume but end up feeling fuller and more satisfied with your meal.

Follow a ‘diet’ vs. Eat varied

Your body needs carbohydrates, fat, proteins, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water for it to function effectively.  However, the so-called ‘diet’ that you follow is often single in its dimensions-high in proteins or low in carbohydrates. This lack of completeness in your food has serious repercussions on your health ranging from a slowing down of your metabolism to a complete breaking down of it.

Therefore, eating a variety of foods that together give you complete nutrition should be your aim rather than following a lop-sided diet which is but a form of self-imposed starvation that conveniently ignores your body’s nutritional requirements; keeps you hungry and makes you prone to frequent bingeing.

Exercise to lose your extra inches vs. Exercise for a fit body

If you want to fight obesity, make sure that you use your kettlebell courses achieve the broader target of improving your fitness for daily life rather to reach the limited target of shedding your extra pounds. You need to realise that the right amount of training improves your strength, stamina and mood making it easier for you to be more active and achieve a slimmer build.

To put things in a nutshell, all you need to do for losing weight is to nourish your body with wholesome foods, exercise right and rest well.  Do this and you’ll find, soon enough, that rapid weight loss isn’t the struggle your erroneous knowledge and faulty approach had made it out to be all along!

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